I cannot say what I will be, or what will become of me. I cannot even begin to imagine what will happen in my life. What I can say with some confidence is that nothing in life is easy. The journey our life takes us has is ups and downs.
With this said and all philosophies aside, what makes us think that how one person does something is the right way? How is the way one person leading his or her life the be all, end all life to live? Who says control, or lack thereof, is right? How is having a finger in every aspect of every person's life the best way to make everyone happy?
How does live and let live sound? Be and Let Be.
We do things for people we love because we love them. But there are times when we have to learn to let go - times when we allow our loved ones to live the life they are supposed to without our interference. It's hard, but with some time and patience, we can learn to finally be able to live with what we have. Even if it does include or not include every person we love, doing things we think is right for them, having them do what we think is right for them.


  1. Ohh i sacred the hell out of me. Lovely dear :) I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog because that let me visit yours & I discovered this beautiful world of yours... You know what I follow a very small number of blogs, just the one's on which I really love the stuff & keep coming back to it. I am following you now & hope to read more coming from you. Thanks a lot :) Tc


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