water moves forward, roaring as it goes. it keeps on its path, coursing ceaselessly to the chute. a leaf floats down, drifting onto the river. it rides on the water, going along. the water urges forward, crashing and rolling. then, the water rolls over the edge, falling. it free falls several hundred feet and rumbles down. it crashes to meet the pool and the rest of the water of the river at the bottom, cauing a white mist. the leaf blows over the fall, swishing and riding the air currents down to the river, drifting down the wall of water. it is hidden by the mist as it falls, then beaten under water when it lands, torn to shreds. the water flows and ebbs, flowing forward, never stopping, never standing still, never flowing backwards. always moving, never looking back. drifting, flowing, ebbing, drifting.....


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